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The conference on the proposal of fiscal reliefs was held

 -  - The conference on the proposal of fiscal reliefs was held

On June 6, the Institute for Development and Innovation held the final conference “Right for Moms!”, where the results of the analysis and a proposal for improving the position of mothers in the labor market were presented.

The proposed measure includes a three-year subsidy of contributions for pension and disability insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance, for women who return to work after maternity leave. The proposed measure covers both unemployed and inactive mothers, who could be beneficiaries of this subsidy if they are employed until the child reaches the age of two. In the first year, the subsidy of contributions would amount to 65%, in the second 60% and in the third 50%.
The multiple positive effects expected from this measure are the long-term retention of mothers, the incentive to employ those who were unemployed before giving birth, the reduction of mothers’ financial dependence and the possibility of their career development. In addition, the proposed measure also affects companies, whose operating costs will be reduced.
The ultimate goal of this measure is to increase the fertility rate, which currently amounts to 1.48, and for the simple reproduction of the number of inhabitants, it is necessary to amount to 2.1.