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 -  - POKRENI SE! 2

Institute for Development and Innovation will implement the project titled “Pokreni se! 2”, with the support of the Ministry for Family Welfare and Demography.

The project “Pokreni se! 2” is a sequel of the project “Pokreni se!” that was organized in Čačak, with the aim to expand to other local governments throughout Serbia.

“Pokreni se! 2” will be organized thought Serbia with the goal to contribute to solving the issue of unemployment of the youth, and to support the youth in creating opportunities for them to obtain better-paid jobs on the domestic and international labor market.

To contribute to solving the unemployment issue among the young workforce, and to support them in obtaining better-paid jobs throughout Serbia, it is planed within the project, to organize training on how to use Adobe Illustrator software and tools that will enable participants to work for national and international companies in the field of graphic design.

After the training, we will analyze the success and performance of all participants in the labor market. The key result of this project is the better positioning of young individuals between 18-35 years of age in the labor market.