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Espresso index for 2020

 -  - Espresso index for 2020

Main goal of Espresso index 2020 research is to provide information on approximative purchasing power in all municipalities and cities in Republic of Serbia.

The broader goal of this research is to analyze differences between regions, districts, cities, and municipalities; as well as to open the question of the connection between internal migration in Serbia and the living conditions of citizens.

In order to calculate the approximation of purchasing power, it was necessary to list the prices of the goods that are most comparable, i.e. whose characteristics are most similar in places in Serbia. A short espresso was chosen for that.

Locations that have higher espresso purchasing power than the average of all municipalities and cities have an index higher than 100 points, while those with lower purchasing power have an index value of less than 100 points.

One of the conclusions of the research is that internal migrations in Serbia do not take place primarily from places with less purchasing power to those with greater.