The Costs of Higher Education is a project supported by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and implemented by the Institute for Development and Innovation in 2020. The project objective is to quantify the costs of higher education in Serbia, using demographic data and education statistics, as well as macroeconomic data.
The main activity of the project is the preparation of the research Costs of higher education. The research focuses on the costs of education at eight faculties of the University of Belgrade – Economics, Biology, Agriculture, Technology and Metallurgy, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Dentistry, and Medicine.
The results showed that in most faculties, the total costs of education are higher than those conducted in the research Costs of youth emigration. This result was expected, having in mind that the results of the previous research Costs of youth emigration, represented only the lower threshold of the interval in which these costs move. This research showed a weighted average for selected faculties for 41,676 euros, which unequivocally confirms the assumption about the minimum costs from the first research.