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Mapping of Serbian diaspora

 -  - Mapping of Serbian diaspora

The project “Mapping Serbian diaspora” was the result of the research “Economic politics: Mapping of diaspora” that was held by the Institute for Development and Innovation a few months before the project kicked off.

The project implementation started in July 2020.
Coming from the understanding of the lack of a strong relationship between the Serbian diaspora and the motherland, the project aimed to 1) make the base of the Serbian diaspora with contacts and basic economic data with the focus on the highly educated members of the Serbian diaspora; 2) make an impression regarding the political and other characteristics of Serbian diaspora that can be used for creating better policies aimed at the Serbian diaspora; 3) establishing more intense communication between diaspora and the “Tacka povratka” agency; 4) further informing diaspora about the returning program and politics the Serbian government has regarding the diaspora.
The project “Mapping of the Serbian diaspora” was organized by the Institute for Development and Innovation and financed by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, in collaboration with the platform Tačka povratka.